
Life is soon to blossom

With an intention all its own

Despite, and without regard

For, any actions which I may have

Shown to my liking;

I must have its same sap within me;

I must be a part of its root or its vine;

I must choose to move

With the way the wind blows; and

I must lose

All the inclinations of mine

That do not give birth

To the tomorrow

That the Eternal, the Creator,

The Spirit has within

The intimate confines of its mind.

Wind me up!

Set me on my way!

Do not give me reason

To see the light of another day

If I do not fit

Within the docile lines,

That It would draw

About Itself.



I heard

The disciple 

Say to me…




Here, there is

No saint without a past and

No sinner without a future;

Just keep trying

To go first to God

Before turning

To self,

To others,

To things or

To places;

Now, be at peace,

Your sins are forgiven.

2015.03.31.2002 ©

Silent Sin

Silence must fight

For the ear of each one of us

Most of the time,

Because most of the time

Each one of us

Is fighting

With the noise

Of years of sin;

Our own and

All the men and women

Who come before us.


That noise must die.

Those people must die.

They must become silent

So that each one of us

Has a chance at the silence

For ourselves

Before we must die.


Yes, only an Etenal word

Can be heard

Through the ages

Afresh and anew

That each soul might learn

To fight the noise,

To fight the sin,

To fight to find

Silence for itself


2015.03.01.0010 ©

Convenient Pleasure

Some days

I cannot find

A single memory

To give me pleasure or

To lighten the burden

Of today’s pain;

So I must run to pleasure

That is easy or simple on

The imagination

The body or

The brain.


A sunrise

Is such a convenience,

As long as the heavens allow;

It takes all the forces of

Yesterday’s darkness and

Wraps them

Within the glory of


2015.01.20.0726 ©

Better Vision

A new day has blossomed;

I made it through the night;

I am standing with my feet on the floor

My spine is again upright;

The darkness has once more been shattered

My eyes can see the light;

But I pray my soul the better one

Today to have its sight.

2013.10.03.0700 ©

Sacred Mystery

          Sacred moments

          Are scarce;

          They help me to forget myself;

          They awaken my soul;

          Yet they are nothing

          In the face of the mystery

          Of the life around me,

          That talks to me;

          That calls me to love.

2014.09.11.0645 ©