Dancing Dialectic

I wonder what revelation is hiding

In the stream of consciousness

Which we are riding; between

The opinions we together are siding and

What the Spirit in the silence is guiding?


I bet it is a dialectic of sorts,

Thesis, antithesis and synthesis, of course

Of the sacred’s and the profanes’s long and shorts

As we listen for the notes and the chords

While we dance.


Twisted Light

Oh, what will I do without you?

I think, then I come to my sense;

It is only G-od

Who in the end I will require

In the appreciation of

The present tense.


So who is that you,

Of which I am speaking,

Without whom I cannot exist?


It is the light and the darkness

About you and about me

In a confusing

But curious




Oh, to find theology as faith, hope and charity and

to be able to name it as the Christ;

the Christ in our words and the Christ in our works:

of faith in the strange solitude of our darkness;

of hope of hearing again the Father’s voice in the silence of our desert journey; and

of charity in the hellish beauty of our pilgrimage with others in both the light and in the dark.


Eternal Zen

I would rather the thought of


Than the pain and the non-sense

That clutters

My memory:


Goes a long way

In quieting

The noise of the world

Which I have permitted

To invade my soul:


Does not add to the problem:


Frees me now and

Later and


Would that I could find

Nothing and

Be satisfied with




Choral Faith

To relax in the moment,

What a challenge!

To leave everything up to the Source;

To give up my voice

To the harmony and

To be a part of the people,

The chorus:

Not to be afraid of anything,

All miscues will fade

In the strength

Of the note that flows best

In the ear of the beholder

That from the choice of the Maestro

Was meant.



          Life is more alive

          On the edge;

          Like riding a bicycle,

          Always moving and

          Always searching for


          Living on

          Some edge

          Some axis,

          Some plane,

          Some interface;

          Always needing balance,

          Never able to close the eyes

          To anything.


Beside the Point

How can I fail this moment?

How can I fail to live this moment?

How can I fail to acknowledge that eternity exists right now?

Yet, I do;

Hundreds of times a day

When I just don’t see it

That way.
