No more Pax Romana!
No peace categorically!
This moment is meant
to be lived alone
and on its own
to be happy and free;
lived like a present,
with a sense of
Shalom only in
eternal community.
No more Pax Romana!
No peace categorically!
This moment is meant
to be lived alone
and on its own
to be happy and free;
lived like a present,
with a sense of
Shalom only in
eternal community.
Another year! 2018
The numbers have changed and are,
it seems, so much a bigger deal than
the passing months, days or hours.
For the images contained therein,
those memory of years,
have time and space
to develop and to flower into
pictures that stay and
pictures that color
the changing numbers on the inside,
as well as the outside.
Who we are takes on new hues;
more than dark and light,
more than black and white,
more than me, my, mine or I;
more like we, ours, us or Thine.
Hues that stay and hues that play
with a life that is more Forever;
more than his-story;
more than her-story;
Not a poor-trait but a landscape
full of seasons
of life and death,
of heat and ice,
of comedy and tragedy;
seasons of solitude
made more real
by the fights we face,
moment by moment,
day by day,
month by month: years,
years that are, for us,
colored together.
+Marion+ +1 year+ +RIP+
Don’t you just love getting lost in the moment,
being alone with the world that is especially so
Strange one moment and beautiful the next,
Scary then as calm as the middle of the forest.
One moment to the next unknown.
What a wonderful life, waiting for
the bell to ring, the whistle to blow or the ax to fall,
always, with faith in, hope for, love with
the you Alone I have come to know.
I wish there was something,
other than the fragility of this moment’s sense,
about which I could be comfortable,
at least until the feeling relents
into a thought of spring or resurrection
for my soul to sing somewhere.
Who can give such a blessing in the present tense? (and)
How can it be held as a defense
to the immense ephemeral experience of being human?
It must be only grace will save us;
amazing grace redeem us.
But how is it sent?
How is it received?
First, it must be accepted and believed
so that in our fiat
the word and the light might be conceived and
the moments of emptiness no longer grieved
but rather lost to the weave eternity leaves.
Oh, Sukkot Moon! Oh, Feast of Rejoicing!
I am going to ride east into your moon rise;
I am going to sleep under your light;
I am going to play amidst your fullness;
I am going to pray that black-sky, white-dot night
until I remember the pilgrim that I am.
Walking wounded,
A particular kind of soldier,
A special kind; especially
One with a wound of mind,
Never able to find any time
Without the reminder.
The one thing that relieves the burden?
The wounds of those around him.
How much can we think of each other
in the midst of a journey in the end so alone?
By holding closer to some instinctual feeling
that is greater than anything
we have known or experienced before.
Faith would be the offering
I would give to you for consideration;
it seems the deepest, most instinctual feeling
we can own and it is forever new
in all the present moments
that are thrown into our path.