Eternal Power

There is no such thing as silence; I know,

I have been listening for years:

The very process of searching for it

Becomes the noise the seeker hears.


There is no such thing as solitude;

No one and nothing is ever alone;

We are living in a world of continuing evolution

Creation in every corner, known and unknown.


There is no such thing as stillness or stability;

Except when one is considered full grown;

But that requires that one become too little spirit

And too much cold and written in stone.


There is no such thing as darkness;

Even Lucifer has seen the light;

But it is rather a blindness that comes around at times

To cause the mortal to find faith as his sight.


There is no such thing as profanity;

God looked at everything and saw that it was good;

Even the cross, the tree of seeming death and destruction,

The forces of evil, it overcame and withstood.

2014.01.14.0400 ©

Hidden Extremes

Darkness is only as special as
The light that one can find therein to abide.
Silence is only as good as
The pause in the sound of the music on either side.
Solitude is only a refuge from
The madness that one has seen or has heard or has tried.
Prayer is the bridge between all of our options
During the times when one of them seems to have died.
I could only become a lesser human being
If in one extreme without the other I would hide.
2013.12.06.0700 ©

Planting An Headstone

The secret to navigating the circles of life

Is finding the way safely home;


Fighting the tendency to want to escape from the truth,

The weaknesses to which I am prone;


Resting in the one that gives true comfort

And the staying power to be alone.


Of course nothing in this world is so trustworthy

And some circles give us the latitude to roam,


Unless or until I can see with clear vision

Or the decision is finally written in stone.


But most times I will keep running from one to the other

Because it is that which makes me feel I am alive;


Nothing is more tortuous than the human heart

And the journeys along the way it must contrive;


Until it learns it is only in an heavenly soil

In which when planted it will eternally thrive.


2013.12.09.0600 ©

Familiar Fall

Slowly sliding into the darkness

Life slipping away from our sense

The birds and the trees and the natural state

Gradually becoming less dense;

Starkness our view to the horizon and to heaven

Uncovers our present tense;

We become open to creation and salvation,

The Light that unlocks the suspense.

Man is a simple pilgrim

Through the seasons of life, death and change;

Christ is the firstborn for the enlightened traveller

That the journey seem a little less strange.

2013.10.31.1800 ©

Autumn Reverie

How can I see the light retreat

And hear the chirp of the crickets

Replace the Cicadian beat

Or feel the bite of the morning chill

Without mourning every joy I did greet

In every person I did meet

In my life and all the warm moments

I felt as mine in summertime?

A lesser man would be waiting

For the dead of winter

Already in the cold

If he had not felt the sadness of this loss before,

In a score of autumns,

Hundreds of days,

Thousands of times

Of reverie and regret

At some experience of forfeit.

Yet I do not count myself rich

For their remembrance,

Except that I can rise above the tears

And can love

From the silence and the solitude

Of the winter soon upon us.

2013.09.23.1500   ©

Least of My Brethren

The God of our reflection is

The reflection of our God

In the lives of every one of us

And the fortunes of our lot

When we find that God is right before us

In the moments He hast wrought

In what is real and what is not

For those we know.


Can I find my own reflection in that journey?

Such that I can hear and see a silent sense

That would turn my past and future questioning visions

Into only what is God in the present tense.

2013.09.23.1700 ©

Cross Talk

 I really cannot talk to you,
I have nothing much to say;
You walk in the illusion of self control,
Not nearly how I see the Way.
Though I surely am a terrible sinner,
I remember I am a child of God,
A brother or sister of Christ in the Spirit
And a follower of the cross that He trod.
Solitude in the face of the world’s order
Leaves me humble, repentant and poor,
Unable the battle for too long to envision
Or the game to conduct or keep score.
So I commit to this moment as only a refuge
Till the next time I hear some sweet grace
That enables me to stand alone before God
And my cross or my trials to face.
2013.07.20.1000 ©