Most people cannot be saved.
Their lives and their beds have been made.
The sins that they’ve chosen
Have endeared them to others
Where the ultimate goodness has caved
To the vision of their blinded eyes
And the comfort there within its lies
Where what’s seen and what’s heard
Is a compromised Word
That’s composed more of dirt
And that dies.
There is only one Truth and one Love.
It resides not therein or thereof
To the world made of flesh
Or the mind or the devil
But in the Light and the Good from Above.
So I leave now the saving to Jesus.
Let His Cross talk to each one of us.
I have turned enough circles
Round the journey we wander
To have tired of this too human stuff.
We are all on our own wounded pilgrimage.
We will see what we’ve decided to see
And I can no longer look at the illusions presented
But must pray, beat my breast and bend my knee.