The personal experience of life
Is suffering, pain, death and strife;
It makes all the movements to pleasure and people
Seem silly forays into light
From the darkness of human existence,
From the Unknown that covers so much,
From the folly we cling to in turning to others
And our faith that their presence could touch
The solitude in the silence within us,
The fear of the child there too,
The need for a love that can never be sated
By the brokenness of me and of you.
So we wander about through the circles
That would change our perspective for a time
Never able to look at the Truth that is calling
That’s the cross, which is personal and mine.
Come prayer, which I find so elusive.
Come faith in a Savior and a God.
Come let me see true joy in the departing journey
And no inclination to feel sick or feel sad.
Give me strength that is based on the knowledge
That everything passes away
And the wisdom that nothing ever finds its true heaven
While it clings and it too long here stays.